L’astrologia non è solo oroscopi!
Astrologia e Human Design System, per portare chiarezza e strategie di
successo. Come vivere felici? Basta poco
per essere felici. Coltiva
l’amore sopra ogni cosa… Come guadagnare? Come godere del proprio
denaro? Storie e Strategie di Successo. Le
molte vie del Cambiamento…
Sex and Spirit begin with the same intense letter of Snake, and the three belong to the same semantic field. It is just the same energy, lived in many different ways, the same potential to joy, beauty, personal fulfillment, colour, light and ecstasy.
You know, enthusiasm,
the word en-thusiasm derives from the ancient Greek “en-theos”: in-God.
How can we be
less than happy if we are in God, in the most intense still sweet and soft
place of all?
Sex and Spirit are the places of freedom, places where you are supposed to be utterly yourself.
Easy isn’t it?
Not really.
It’s a huge field of exploration and experimentation.
Are we big enough
to contain all that potential?
Are we
mature enough to enjoy it fully?
In Human
Design the gate of Spirit is the same of the gate of Sex. The 55th. Which
corresponds to the IChing hexagram “The Abundance”. Well… yes, Spiritual
Abundance is everything, it brings everything. The wisdom of IChing, that
refers to a civilisation going back thousands of years, continues:
“Be happy! Be like the Sun in the midday.”
Do you have
such a potential for happiness? How high can you go in your life? How low?
What is your
potential for Spiritual Growth? How emotionally creative can you be?
The 55th
gate is in the emotional center. You can check if you “have it” or, better
said, if a planet or even more than one at your birth was there, giving its
particular nuances. You can ask from the site www.hesediel.it your birth chart for free,
just to fulfill your curiosity.
55th gate is only one signal. There are 64 gates in your birth chart, as many as the IChing hexagrams are, as many as the codons of the human DNA, according to this map.
They all can connect and create circuitries in your chart, …in your neurons, …in your life.
If your life
were a masterpiece, which shape would it have?
How could you sculpt it?
Right now. :)
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